Sermon By: Pastor Matt Spradlin Psalm 133:1-3 This Psalm is a beautiful prayer about the beauty and the basis for our unity. Jesus died not only to save us, but to unite us together. The purpose of Christ is to unite us together as one people in Him and it is absolutely beautiful to behold.
Sermon By: Pastor Matt Spradlin Psalm 131:1-3 Pride is having greater affection for self than for God and others. Humility is loving God and others to such a degree that we gain a sense of self-forgetfulness. Pride produces arguments and division, but humility produces harmony with God and others. Without humility, no one will see God for who He really is. Sermon By: Pastor Matt Spradlin Psalm 130:1-8 So many trying to clean their life up before they come to God, but the Bible teaches only God can clean your life up. The gospel is not about reformation, it is about redemption. It is the power of forgiveness that changes your heart. We don’t come to God because we’re clean, we come to God because we are not. We need His grace to cleanse us. Sermon By: Pastor Matt Spradlin Psalm 127:1-5 Have you ever stopped to think about how much of your life you are actually not in control of? So much of my life and your life is not in your hands, but in the hands of our sovereign God. We want to control every single aspect of our kid’s lives, but that is living in a fantasy world. We are called to put in the effort, but we have trust God for outcome. Sermon By: Pastor Matt Spradlin Psalm 124:1-8 Israel was not great in number or in power, but the one thing they had was the Lord. The Bible says if God is for us who can be against us? If God is on our side, it really does not matter who is against us. Sermon By: Pastor Matt Spradlin Psalm 122:1-9 Psalm 122 is answering the question: What are we doing here? It is not the existential question of our existence. It is asking what are we doing here right now? Why are you here? Why do we worship the Lord together? Sermon By: Pastor Matt Spradlin Psalm 121:1-8 The Psalms answer the question: Who is God? Some of the Psalms say He is my Creator, some say He is my Savior, and others—like Psalm 121—say He is my Keeper. The point of Psalm 121 is not that God keeps us from problems, but that He preserves us as travel through them. The point is not that we do not have problems, but that God keeps us safe as we face them. Sermon By: Pastor Matt Spradlin Psalm 120:1-7 Our distress is an opportunity to seek the Lord in prayer. Our distress is an opportunity to humbly depend upon the Lord. Our distress is an opportunity to trust in God’s righteous justice. Our distress is an opportunity to experience and share God’s peace. Sermon By: Pastor Matt Spradlin Psalm 2:1-12 Psalm 1 and 2 serve as an introduction to the rest of the Psalms. The first Psalm is a contrast between the godly and the ungodly. The second Psalm is a contrast between the kingdom of man and the kingdom of Christ. Psalm 2 is a “Messianic Psalm” meaning it is a Psalm about Jesus. The Psalm points to the victory of Christ over His enemies, the establishment of His rule and reign, and our worship of Him as the people of God. Sermon By: Pastor Matt Spradlin Psalm 1:1-6 Psalm 1 says there are only two kinds of people: saint and sinner. There are only two paths: the way of the godly and the way of the ungodly. There are only two destinies: the way that leads to life and the way that leads to death. One road leads to blessings and the other to cursing’s, one road leads to salvation and the other to destruction. Which path you choose will determine your destiny because one way offers life and the other way offers death. |
January 2025