Sermon By: Pastor Matt Spradlin 1 John 5:13-21 John had a purpose for writing the letter of 1 John. He wrote the book so that we can know our faith in Jesus is real and we can be sure we have eternal life. John ends his letter by telling us this knowledge of Jesus and our salvation changes everything in our lives. Click HERE to download sermon.
Sermon By: Pastor Matt Spradlin 1 John 5:1-12 The salvation experience is described in multiple ways in the Bible. One way God describes salvation is being born again, that God recreates us into something new. John argues a genuine salvation experience is demonstrated in our faith, love and obedience- all of which are based up and point to Jesus who is the eternal Son of God in whom is eternal life. Click HERE to download sermon.
Sermon By: Pastor Matt Spradlin 1 John 4:17-21 John has already told us twice that God is love. That is perhaps the greatest three word summary of who God is. But in these verses John tells us what God’s love means for our day to day lives. Click HERE to download sermon.
Sermon By: Pastor Matt Spradlin 1 John 4:7-16 John says God is love, not love is God. Love does not define God, God defines love. God is not some abstract quality or an impersonal force. He is the living, personal, and active God who loves and is the source of all love. Click HERE to download sermon.
Sermon By: Pastor Matt Spradlin 1 John 3:10-24 We speak of love in fickle terms. We say I love coffee. We often speak of love as an emotion. But John speaks of a love that is much deeper. John speaks of a love that is so much a part of who we are that it serves as an accurate reflection of whether or not we are a true Christian. In this sense, our assurance is the fruit of love. Sermon audio unavailable this week.
Sermon By: Pastor Matt Spradlin 1 John 3:4-10 The theme of 1 John is how we can know that we know God. This passage is a contrast between sin and righteousness. John defines sin as rebellion against God and goes on to argue those who know God and have been born of God have a new nature that abhors sin and desires to live in righteousness and love. Click HERE to download sermon.
Sermon By: Pastor Matt Spradlin 1 John 2:28-3:3 The book of 1 John is combating a false teaching that had infiltrated the church called Gnosticism. The Gnostics said all that matters is what you believe, it does not matter how you live. John says what you believe is important, but how you live is important also because how live is an effect of your salvation and your relationship with Jesus. Click HERE to download sermon.
Sermon By: Pastor Matt Spradlin 1 John 2: 18-28 They key question of Christianity and life is “who is Jesus?” We live in a culture that is spiritual, but the gospel is not about being spiritual, it is about Jesus. John addresses the essence of true Christianity and two very important resources God has given us to discern between what is true and what is dangerously false. Click HERE to download sermon.
Sermon By: Pastor Matt Spradlin 1 John 2:12-17 As believers, we face opposition and temptation. John tells us how to respond to the temptations of the world by focusing on our love for God and our relationship with Him. God gives us assurance and strength to love Him and do His will. Click HERE to download sermon.
Sermon By: Pastor Matt Spradlin 1 John 1:5-2:2 What is God? That is a question mankind has longed to know. Before John talks about us, he talks about God. The Christian life does not begin with us, it begins with God. We think our problem is we do not know ourselves enough, but John says our problem is we do not know God enough. If we want to deal with sin in our lives, we must first know the true nature of God. Click HERE to download sermon.
January 2025