Hi Shoreline family and friends,
We have exciting news. Orange County has changed tiers and we are moving our Worship Service back indoors and to its normal time at 10:30 a.m. Please let everyone you can know about our service changing times. We will of course continue to Live Stream the service online for those who are unable to attend in person. We apologize we had a few technical problems on Sunday with our sound. The heatwave caused our amp for the sound system and one of our cameras to overheat. Our audio/visual team did a great job resolving the problems, but unfortunately it took a few minutes to resolve them. We have put a plan in place to keep the problems from happening again. With that said, moving indoors will also resolve the overheating problems. Our Life Groups are currently meeting online. Please be in contact with your Life Group Leader about plans for this Sunday. We are communicating with our Life Groups about the possibility of moving our Life Groups back on campus. There are a lot of moving parts across every age group and there are a lot of details and variables to work out. We hope to have a plan in place soon and will communicate that plan with you as soon as we know how we are going to proceed. I have greatly appreciated our church’s flexibility in the midst of a year of constant change. I am praying for and have seen the Lord produce faith and a spiritual depth in our church. God is working out His great plan and purpose for each one of us and for our church as a whole. Isaiah 26:3 says, “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” My prayer is that through the constant shifting sand of our outward circumstances, that we will keep our minds stayed on the Lord and experience His perfect peace. I love you and you are in my prayers continually. Sincerely, Pastor Matt