We are really excited to be entering into our busy summer season in youth ministry. God has been working in the lives of our students, bringing new students into our ministry, and drawing our current students into deeper faith through Bible study and community. Our youth room has undergone a remodel with new paint, pictures, decorations, a surround sound system, a video game room, and we are still adding a few more updates that will enhance our ability to use videos and slideshows for Bible study and events.
Our most recent event was Secret Church- a 4 hour video study of the entire Old Testament. We had 17 students and most of them stayed awake through the whole study! Praise God for his faithfulness and for the 17 students who attended Secret Church and were blessed by the study. In June we will have our annual All-Nighter! Last year we had a record breaking number of students attend our all-nighter and we are in need of drivers who can help drive our students from Shoreline to different venues and back to Shoreline around 2 a.m. If you are available to help with this event, please contact Brad at [email protected]. Summer camp is only 3 months away! It is one of the most spiritually impactful events in the lives of our students that we do all year long. We have 4 spots still available for students who have completed grades 6-12. You can get more information and register online. Feel free to contact Brad if you have any questions or concerns.
![]() As scripture tells us, many times God moves in unique and unexpected ways. After participating in and assisting in leading Shoreline Sports for virtually her entire life, Breanna Herd and her husband Steven will be moving to Iowa in July. She is taking on a full-time position as a counselor at a high school there. We are confident that Breanna and Steven have been following God’s will in this and we have been praying for God’s plan in the sports ministry as we try to replace Breanna. Well, God has moved in a way for this summer that I did not expect. More than 50 young people have applied to work this summer in our summer sports programs. What a blessing! We look forward to a very full summer of discipling the workers and evangelizing the more than 500 children who will participate. During our just-completed Early Winter basketball season, we re-instituted our end-of-season celebration. This sports outreach connected with the almost 600 players and their parents as Tanya used her basketball skills to share the gospel. We were blessed to see dozens of church members contribute to this event. We will wrap up the Late Winter season on April 20 with a pancake breakfast and series of egg hunts. Last year, this event brought in more than 500 people. We shared with them what God is doing here at Shoreline. This event is coordinated by the children’s ministry and John Mercer, our Sports Outreach director. John has done a great job in his first year in this role. He has energetically reached out to the sports families and shared the love of Christ. We want to send a special thank you to Breanna and Steven for their many years of service in the sports ministry and here at the church. We are excited to see how God works in their future. Sincerely, Dan Willard Associate Pastor of Life Groups & Recreation One of the most important aspects to church ministry is communication. It is hard to be involved in what you don't know about. We want to make sure everyone knows about all the various ministries of our church so people can be as involved as they want to be. We have multiple avenues for communication: our bulletin, our website (including church calendar), announcements, church newsletters, ministry specific newsletters, and Facebook. Now we have one more exciting way for you to know what is going on at Shoreline: a new church app for your mobile phone. Our new app is called "Church Center." Here is a list of how it will help us communicate all is going on to you and to each other.
Don't have church center? You can access the "app" on your browser here. Or download the app on your smart phone (Apple App Store or Google Play Store) Events There is an "Events" tab on the app that allows you to see all the church events scheduled for the next three to six months. If you want to just look at all the events for a specific ministry, you can search by category (all categories, Agebusters, Children, General, Men, Women, Young Adults, Youth). Each event has a description of the event, day, time, cost if any, and allows you to register for the event if registration is required. This will allow everyone to know what is going in our church. Groups There is a "Groups" tab on the app that allows you to see all the ministry groups you are a part of. Each group contains a list of all the people who are a part of the ministry group with their email and phone numbers. The groups section also includes our Church Directory (if you have signed up to be in it) with everyone's name, picture (if taken), email, and phone number. The groups section also allows you to request to join new ministry groups. For instance, you could sign up to join a new Life Group. Giving There is a "Give" tab on the app that allows you to use your phone to give online. Sermons To access the sermons simply log in to Church Center (our church app) and click "Sermons". Depending on your phone (or browser) the link will be on the top/bottom tab of your screen. Sermons are available for August forward. We are in progress of adding all the sermons from when we started to stream so stay tuned for those! Check-Ins There is a "Give" tab on the app that allows you to use your phone to give online. Directory To access the directory simply log in to Church Center (our church app) and click "Directory". Depending on your phone (or browser) the link will be on the top/bottom tab of your screen. Click here for details on how to access/add yourself to the directory if you do not see everything you need. Profile There is a Profile icon that allows you to edit your personal information (address, phone number, etc.), check your giving, and view all of your event registrations (past and present). Need steps to help you get setup?