August 23rd – Friday - 9:00 AM – Planning Meeting: 2019-2020
You are invited to join us in planning our Agebuster excursions and luncheon programs for the 2019-2020 church year. You may pick up a “Planning Meeting Survey” form in the Connection Center. This will provide a list of some early ideas. Use the form to write down your ideas for excursions and luncheon programs for the upcoming year. Give to Bob Garcia before the meeting so he can include them for the planning day. After our planning session we will go to Metro Pointe in Costa Mesa to view the premiere of the movie, “Overcomer.” It is from the creators of “War Room.” A discouraged basketball coach reluctantly agrees to manage the cross-country team. While his original state championship dreams are dashed, he and an up-and-coming track star both find hope through their faith. Lunch in the food court after the movie.
Every year, our group chooses a word or phrase to act as a goal for our young adult ministry to apply to our ministry events, outreach, and our own lives. In January of this year, Shoreline’s young adults got together and chose the phrase “Community Servants” to focus on for this year. The word “community” helps us focus on making our group a place where people can come if they need help, ears to listen, or just some friends to hang out with. Our group has been growing close and having different events outside of our bible study. We celebrated Lauren Stejskal graduating from Grand Canyon University by throwing dodgeballs at each other, we all went to see the Avengers End Game movie together, and we locked ourself in an “escape room” for Priscilla Ramierez’s birthday. We chose “servants” because we want our group to be more proactive in helping others. We have done a few events focused on this: we helped paint the upstairs Life Group hallway, we assisted multiple members of the church with various tasks around their homes, and we landscaped a church member’s yard by pulling weeds, adding wood chips, and planting hydrangeas! Studies: We finally finished our study of Revelation and also finished a split study on Thursday nights, where the girls and guys split into their own studies. The girls were learning about how to create and sustain deeper friendships, while the guys were studying the disciplines of godly men. On Sunday mornings, our young adult life group, Voyage, has been going through all of the Old Testament Sunday school stories with flannel board illustrations and focusing on the details we missed as kids. It’s been so cool to see the typical Sunday school stories with adult eyes and attention spans! Now we’re studying Distorted Images of God (a topical study) on Thursday nights and Women in the New Testament (a character study) on Sunday mornings. Events: The most recent event we’ve had was our annual Summer Retreat at San Onofre State Campground from July 5th to the 7th. There were eight of us camping with quite a few visitors. Shout out to Danay Hoang and soon-to-be young adult Lainey Sneddon for coming down to lead worship for us! We studied God’s creation and dwelled in it with happy hearts all weekend long! For our upcoming event in August, we will be joining the Agebusters for their monthly potluck. Many of them don’t know young adults, and so many young adults don’t know them. So, we’ll be mingling and getting to know each other! Prayer: Lastly, we would like to ask for prayer as one of our members, Will Kazmark, is in Alaska for the next few months to work in commercial fishing. He has been doing this for a couple years now, and we always miss his wisdom and sense of humor. We have been blessed to see God work through this ministry, and are praying that we will reach and connect with more people of our generation. Thank you for all of your support and prayers! Love, The Mearigs Summer is flying by and we have already had several events. We started off with our annual All-Nighter, which was a blast! We had 42 students attend and everyone had a great time. A big thank you to all of our youth students who helped with VBS- it was awesome to see so many youth involved in helping make VBS a success. We also had our first beach day which was a fun time.
We are so excited for the rest of our events coming up this summer- camp, another beach day, and our annual Jr. High pool party to welcome the incoming 6th graders. Don't forget- if your child is going to camp there is a mandatory parent meeting Sunday, July 14th from 1pm-3pm (today). All of our events are on our website and registration for every event is online. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Our first fall event will be our Leadership Conference- an overnight event at Shoreline where students get a chance to learn what it means to be a leader, choose breakout sessions that interest them, and put their leadership skills into practice. Registration is online and a permission slip is required. Thank you!! Sincerely, Pastor Brad |